Now we’ve covered a brief overview of what social media marketing is and how it can benefit your business, let’s move on to the practical bit.
Before diving straight in with a few tweets and Instagram posts, all social media marketing activity needs to start with a strategy.
NB. If you’re already well set up with social media marketing and have your strategy in place, you can probably skip this part and head straight to our top tips for 2022!
#1 Have clear objectives
As discussed, you can’t plan which channels to use or what kind of content to produce until you determine your business objectives. i.e what do you want your social media marketing to achieve?
Deciding these targets in advance will:
Save time and resources
Ensure you’re not producing content ‘for the sake of it’
Help you establish the key metrics to track success
These objectives will naturally vary business to business, which is why there isn’t a blanket answer for ‘what works best’.
Write a list of everything you want out of your social media marketing activity, and then prioritise them in terms of value for your business. Once you have your core objectives decided, you can proceed with the next steps